Reason Is The Illusion Of Reality
Things exist because they do ____________ Debarshi Dey ____________ R eason and reality: these are the two parameters we constantly invoke in our post modern lives to validate and justify all that we think and all that we do. Such is the absolute power of these two concepts on our minds that even our Gods and our innermost dreams have to pass the twin tests: Are they reasonable? Are they realistic? We might use other words in their place: āscientificā, ārationalā, āpracticalā, āpragmaticā, but they all convey the same meaning. In all our experiences, and in all our conscious responses to them, we try to satisfy ourselves that they have the twin blessings of being reasonable and real. When these ideas of reason and reality are of so paramount importance in the way we live our lives, or rather in the way we think and make sense of things that are happening around us, let us ask ourselves: what do these words actually mean? Reality: What is reality? What are the things we consider as real...