Lessons For India From Greece

Hopefully, readers won’t find the comparisons Greek. The European country is a typical example of the ultimate fate socialism and populism meet . India, beware! I n terms of economics, this is the chronology that unfolded in Greece, which the whole news media is talking about today. Greece enters Eurozone in 2001. Unfortunately Europe goes into recession around 2008. Greece being poor, suffers more with 28 per cent unemployment. Being part of Eurozone, Greece can’t print more drachma to reduce its value in international market and make Greek exports attractive. The German-dominated European Central Bank is right for a robust Germany, does not work for a weak Greece. Debt burden on Greece today: 177 per cent of its GDP. Greece must come up with a loan payment of $1.8 billion to the IMF by yesterday, literally — 30 June — to avoid a default. Constant government borrowing to fund promises by politicians causes Greece...