Waiting In The Wings

... on a wing and a prayer Perception, say some. Reality, say others. Recession, say some. Slowdown, say others. A few contradict themselves, moving from one question to another. What they all agree to consensually is that it does affect them. A report on the state of employment of fresh MBAs this year _______________ Surajit Dasgupta _______________ Parents of final year students of IMI waiting for hours on end, hoping their wards will be placed... somewhere I n the plush lawns of International Management Institute (IMI) Institutional Area, Qutb Institutional Area, New Delhi, this correspondent runs into a bunch of listless students whiling away their time, playing cricket, after the institute failed to place them in any of the corporate houses that turned up for the placement season. That was as of Friday, the 13th, March 2009. “We have placed 62 of our 119 students in the first round of placement,” says Prof CS Venkata Ratnam, Director of the institute, surmising, “We hope to place ...